A good answer might be:

The completed table is given below.


Here is a table that summarizes the characteristics of the two types of computer memory.

CharacteristicTrue for
Main Memory
True for
Secondary Memory
Closely connected to the processor.  X  
Holds the programs and data
the processor is actively using.
Used for long term storage.    X
Interacts with processor
millions of times per second.
Contents is easily changed.  X  X
Relatively low capacity.  X  
Relatively huge capacity.    X
Fast access.   X  
Slow access.    X
Connected to main memory.    X
Holds programs and data.  X  X
Organized into files.    X

In both main and secondary memory, information is stored as patterns of bits. Recall from chapter two what a bit is:

A bit is a single "on"/"off" value. Only these two values are possible.

The two values may go by different names, such as "true"/"false", or "1"/"0". There are many ways in which a bit can be implemented. For example a bit could be implemented as:

So the particular implementation of bits is different in main memory and secondary memory, but logically, both types of memory store bits.


(Thought question:) Does the information change when a bit is copied from one form of storage to another? For example, does the information change when a bit implemented as a voltage level on a wire is copied to a tiny part of a disk?